Active Ingredient : Profenofos: 500 g / l
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, & 1 Liter
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Chili (Cabai) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 2 ml / l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Chili (Cabai) Aphids (Kutu daun); Thrips (Trips) 1.0 - 1.5 ml / l
Soybean (Kedelai) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 1.5 - 2 ml / l
Cabbage (Kubis) Diamondback moth (Hama perusak daun); Cabbage cluster caterpillar (Ulat krop) 1.5 - 2 ml / l
Onion (Bawang Merah) Armyworm(Ulat grayak); Leaf miner (Penggerek daun) 1.5 - 2 ml / l
Citrus (Jeruk) Citrus Aphid (Kutu daun); Mealybug (Hama kutu putih) 1 - 2 ml/l
Product Feature:

  • It is a non-systemic orhganophosphate insecticide with contact and stomach action
  • It can kill caterpillars and adult insects can also kill insect eggs so gives complete control from insects
  • Due to its trans-laminar action it can also kills the pest lying at lower surface of leaves
  • It is broad spectrum insecticide aracaricide
  • It can be used on many crops against sucking pests as well as caterpillars
  • It has quick knockdown and long residual control


  • Insektisida organofosfat non-sistemik dengan tindakan kontak dan lambung
  • Dapat membunuh ulat, telur hama dan hama dewasa, sehingga memberikan kontrol penuh terhadap serangga
  • Aksi trans-laminarnya, CUROCROP 500 EC dapat membunuh hama yang berada di bawah permukaan daun
  • Insektisida & akarisida berspektrum luas
  • Dapat digunakan pada banyak tanaman untuk melawan hama pengisap dan ulat
  • Ini memiliki knockdown cepat dan kontrol sisa panjang

Mode of Action:

  • Non-systemic with contact and stomach action
  • It is an organophosphate insecticide
  • It works due to the inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme
  • Also works as ovicidal against eggs of various pests
  • It also has excellent trans-laminar action: It kills the pest on both lower and upper surface of leaves


Administer Atropine Sulphate intravenously 2 – 4 mg at 5 – 10 minutes interval until the symptoms of poisoning disappear. PAM can be given in severe cases intravenously very slowly (1 – 2 g taking 5 – 10 minutes)