Active Ingredient : Methomyl 40 %
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 100 gr, 250 gr & 400 gr
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Shallot (Bawang merah) Leafminer (Penggorok daun) 2 g/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Shallot (Bawang merah) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 1.5 g/l
Chili (Cabai) Armyworm (Ulat grayak); Fruit borer (Penggerek buah) 1 g/l
Mung beans (Kacang hijau) Bean leaf roller (Hama penggulung daun); Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 4 g/l
Long beans (Kacang panjang) Bean pod borer (Penggerek polong) 1 - 2 g/l
Cocoa (Kakao) Bugs (Hama penghisap buah) 1 - 2 g/l
Palm oil (Kelapa sawit) Nettle caterpillar (Ulat api) 1 - 2 g/l
Cabbage (Kubis) Cabbage caterpillar (Ulat krop); Diamondback moth (Ulat daun kubis) 1.4 - 2 g/l
Tomato (Tomat) Fruit borer (Penggerek buah) 3 - 4 g/l
Citrus (Jeruk) Red mites (Tungau merah) 1.5 - 2 g/l
Product Feature:

  • MAGICO 40 SP is very effective because it works as contact as well as stomach poison
  • MAGICO 40 SP has very quick knock-down action
  • MAGICO 40 SP also has ovicidal effect
  • MAGICO 40 SP is a broad spectrum, can control various types of pests from the orders Lepidoptera (Caterpillars), Homoptera (Lhoppers), Hemiptera (fleas), Diptera (flies/Liriomyza), Thysanoptera (Thrips) & Akarina (Mites), which are primarily very effective for controlling all kinds of caterpillars
  • MAGICO 40 SP able to control pests that are visible or hidden in the leaves
  • MAGICO 40 SP effective in controlling all stages from eggs, larvae, to adult phase, reduces emergence & thus less chances of crop damage
  • MAGICO 40 SP absorbed by leaves and plant parts and then transported to all parts of the plant, so that insect pests attack any part of the plant will die
  • MAGICO 40 SP is not easily washed by rain


  • MAGICO 40 SP sangat efektif karena berfungsi sebagai racun kontak dan perut
  • Memiliki efek knock-down secara langsung
  • MAGICO 40 SP memiliki aktivitas ovicidal
  • MAGICO 40 SP memiliki spektrum luas, dapat mengendalikan berbagai jenis hama dari ordo Lepidoptera (Ulat), Homoptera (Lhoppers), Hemiptera (kutu), Diptera (lalat/Liriomyza), Thysanoptera (Thrips) & Akarina (Tungau)
  • MAGICO 40 SP mampu mengendalikan hama yang terlihat maupun tersembunyi di dalam daun
  • MAGICO 40 SP efektif mengendalikan hama pada berbagai fase yaitu telur, larva, hingga dewasa, dapat meminimalisir kerusakan pada tanaman.
  • MAGICO 40 SP mudah diserap oleh daun dan bagian tanaman lainnya kemudian diangkut ke seluruh bagian tanaman, sehingga serangga hama yang menyerang bagian tanaman mana pun akan mati
  • MAGICO 40 SP tidak mudah tersapu oleh air hujan

Mode of Action:

  • It is a broad spectrum type –II synthetic Carbamete insecticide
  • It is systemic insecticide because of its capability to cause overall “systemic” poisoning in target insects, after it is absorbed and transported throughout the pests that feed on treated plants
  • It is effective as contact insecticide to kills target insects upon direct contact


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.