GIFT 190/10 SC

Active Ingredient : Spirodiclofen 190 g/l + Abamectin 10 g/l SC
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 200 ml & 400 ml
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Citrus (Jeruk) Red mites (Tungau merah) 1.5 ml/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Apple (Apel) Red mites (Tungau merah) 1.5 ml/l
Product Feature:

  • GIFT 190/10 SC use control of motile stages of mites
  • GIFT 190/10 SC ensures prolonged protection, acting mainly by contact and partially by ingestion works against eggs, nymphs and adult female
  • GIFT 190/10 SC has two active ingredients with complementary superior effect with different mechanism of action
  • GIFT 190/10 SC works both preventive as well as qurative mode of action action
  • GIFT 190/10 SC able control pests such as two-spotted spider mites and many other harmful important spider species in fruit trees, which are difficult to control
  • GIFT 190/10 SC also has translaminar mode of action so also able to kill the pests hide below the leaves
  • GIFT 190/10 SC accelerated sudden effect as well as long duration of action, after insecticide is applied to the leaves of crops, it is resistant to rain erosion
  • GIFT 190/10 SC more flexible application time in the red spider fight
  • GIFT 190/10 SC is environment friendly and safe for crops


  • GIFT 190/10 SC digunakan untuk tungau stadium motil
  • GIFT 190/10 SC menjamin perlindungan jangka panjang, yang mempunyai cara kerja kontak dan sebagian melalui proses pencernaan pada fase telur, nimfa, dan betina dewasa
  • GIFT 190/10 SC memiliki kandungan dua bahan aktif dengan efek superior yang saling melengkapi dengan mekanisme kerja yang berbeda
  • GIFT 190/10 SC bekerja secara preventif dan kuratif
  • GIFT 190/10 SC mampu mengendalikan hama seperti tungau dan banyak spesies laba-laba penting lainnya yang berada di pohon buah-buahan. Yang sulit untuk dikendalikan
  • GIFT 190/10 SC juga memiliki cara kerja transmilar sehingga dapat membunuh hama yang tersembunyi dibawah daun
  • GIFT 190/10 SC memberikan efek langsung dan durasi kerja yang panjang, setelah insektisida diaplikasikan pada daun tanaman tidak mudah tersapu air hujan
  • GIFT 190/10 SC memiliki waktu aplikasi yang lebih fleksibel untuk memberantas hama.
  • GIFT 190/10 SC produk ramah lingkungan, aman untuk tanaman

Mode of Action:

Spirodiclofen 190 g/l

  • It is selective non-systemic insecticide which interferes with mite development, has limited plant systemic activity but exhibits transmilar movement
  • It is able to kill eggs, nymphs as well as adult female
  • It provides long lasting control
  • It controls of motile stages of mites

Abamectin 10 g/l

  • It works as insecticide and nematicide with contact and stomach action
  • It is both xylem and phloem mobile, it provides superior management options for difficult to control insects with a single application
  • It stimulates the release of the neurotranamitter GABA
  • It causes blockage of impulses in insects and mites and pest is paralyzed irreversibly 


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.