Active Ingredient : Fipronil 50 g/l
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 100 ml & 250 ml
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy (Padi) Yellow stem borer (Penggerek batang kuning) 2 ml/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy (Padi) Brown planthopper (Wereng coklat); Leaf folding (Hama penggulung daun); Mole cricket (Hama orong-orong) 0.75 - 1 ml/l; 2 ml/l; 6.25 - 12.5 ml/kg seed (benih)
Palm Oil (Kelapa sawit) Termite (Rayap tanah) 0.75 - 1 ml/l
Coffee (Kopi) Fire ant (Semut api) 1.2 - 2 ml/l
Corn (Jagung) Ant (Semut) 4 - 5 kg/seed (benih)
Soybean (Kedelai) Bean fly (Lalat bibit) 4.17 - 8.33 ml/kg seed (benih)
Product Feature:

  • SHOMEI 50 SC is contains the active ingredient Fipronil.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC is recommended on paddy, chili, cabbage and sugarcane crop on sucking and chewing pest as per recommendation.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC is insecticide quickly absorb through roots and foliage of the crop with contact and stomach action.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC is a kind of insecticide which acts as a blocker of the GABA-regulated chloride channel.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC is a high active broad-spectrum insecticide and has no cross-resistance with other insecticide.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC is good to excellent residual control following foliar application.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC has long term protection crops.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC has flexible application methods adapted to each crop and target pest.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC has improves the yield and quality of farm produce due to its PGR effect.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC able helps crop to overcome abiotic stress and transplanting shock.


  • SHOMEI 50 SC mengandung bahan aktif Fipronil.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC direkomendasikan pada tanaman padi, cabai, kubis dan tebu untuk hama penghisap dan pengunyah sesuai anjuran.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC adalah insektisida yang cepat menyerap melalui akar dan dedaunan tanaman melalui kontak dan lambung.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC merupakan sejenis insektisida yang berfungsi sebagai penghambat saluran klorida yang diatur oleh GABA.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC merupakan insektisida berspektrum luas dengan aktivitas tinggi dan tidak mempunyai resistensi silang dengan insektisida lain.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC mampu mengendalikan residu dengan baik setelah aplikasi daun.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC mempunyai perlindungan tanaman jangka panjang.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC memiliki metode aplikasi yang fleksibel disesuaikan dengan setiap tanaman dan hama sasaran.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC telah meningkatkan hasil dan kualitas hasil pertanian karena efek PGR/ZPT-nya.
  • SHOMEI 50 SC mampu membantu tanaman mengatasi cekaman abiotik dan guncangan tanam.

Mode of Action:

  • Broad-spectrum insecticide, toxic by contact and ingestion.
  • Limited xylem systemicity in some monocotyledonous crops.
  • Can be used to control insects when applied as a soil or seed treatment.
  • Good to excellent residual control following foliar application.


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.