Active Ingredient : Buprofezin 440 g/l
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 500 ml & 1 L
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy (Padi) Brown Plant Hopper (Wereng coklat) 1 ml/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Chili (Cabai) Aphids (Kutu daun); Thrips (Trips); Yellow mite (Tungau kuning) 1 ml/l
Onion (Bawang merah) Aphids (kutu daun) 1 ml/l
Soybean (Kedelai) Whitefly (Kutu kebul) 1 ml/l
Tea (Teh) Leafhopper (Wereng); Yellow mite (Tungau kuning) 1 ml/l
Product Feature:

  • Hokori 440 SC has two ways mode of action-stomach and contact action
  • Hokori 440 SC does not translocated in the plant so it must be applied at very specific site, where the insect are present in the plant
  • Hokori 440 SC is a broad-spectrum insecticide can be use for controlling various sucking pest in different crops
  • Hokori 440 has a pronounced phytotonic effect on plants
  • Hokori 440 SC inhibiting egg laying of adult insects and making them infertile, it protects crops and minimizes damage on crops
  • Hokori 440 SC controls all the nymphal stages of insects
  • Hokori 440 SC hinders the formation of the exoskeleton in the nymphs which result in the death of the underdeveloped insects
  • Hokori 440 SC inhibits the chitin formation in insects so insects are unable to complete the molting process and died
  • Hokori 440 has long persistency so give long duration control
  • Hokori 440 SC is safe for environment and beneficial insects
    Hokori 440 SC memiliki cara kerja dua arah – sebagai racun lambung dan racun kontak


  • Hokori 440 SC tidak dapat bertranslokasi di dalam tanaman sehingga harus diaplikasikan pada lokasi yang sangat spesifik, di mana serangga terdapat di dalam/antara tanaman
  • Hokori 440 SC adalah insektisida berspektrum luas yang dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan berbagai hama penghisap pada berbagai tanaman
  • Hokori 440 memiliki efek fitotonik yang baik untuk tanaman
  • Hokori 440 SC dapat menghambat bertelurnya serangga dewasa dan menjadikannya tidak fertile/subur, melindungi tanaman dan meminimalkan kerusakan pada tanaman
  • Hokori 440 SC mengendalikan semua tahap nimfa pada serangga hama
  • Hokori 440 SC menghalangi pembentukan kerangka luar pada nimfa yang mengakibatkan kematian serangga karena tidak dapat berkembang
  • Hokori 440 SC menghambat pembentukan kitin pada serangga sehingga serangga tidak dapat menyelesaikan proses molting dan kemudian menjadi mati
  • Hokori 440 SC memiliki persistensi yang lama sehingga memberikan durasi kontrol yang lebih panjang
  • Hokori 440 SC aman bagi lingkungan dan serangga bermanfaat

Mode of Action:

  • Hokori 440 SC has stomach and contact mode of action
  • Hokori 440 SC inhibits moulting of nymphs and larvae, leading to death
  • Hokori 440 SC treated insects lay sterile eggs
  • Hokori 440 SC inhibits the chitin formation of insects, as a result of chitin deficiency the procuticle of the insects loses its elasticity & the insect is unable to complete the molting process which leads to death of insect
  • Hokori 440 SC hinders the formation of the exoskeleton in the nymphs which result in the death of the underdeveloped insects
  • Hokori 440 SC controls all the nymphal stages of insects & it reduces the egg-laying capacity of female insect.
  • Hokori 440 SC belongs to insect growth regulator (IGR) and organophosphate group of chemicals


Antidote- No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically