Active Ingredient : Imidacloprid 25%
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 100 gr & 400 gr
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Chili (Cabai) Thrips (Trips) 1 g/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Chili (Cabai) Aphids (Kutu daun); Yellow mites (Tungau kuning) 1 g/l
Potato (Kentang) Aphids (Kutu daun) 1 g/l
Paddy (Padi) Brown plant hopper (Wereng coklat) 2 g/l
Tomato (Tomat) Fruit borer (Penggerek tongkol); Whitefly (Kutu kebul) 1 gr/l
Product Feature:

  • MIRACLE 25 WP has stomach and contact mode of action
  • MIRACLE 25 WP works systemically and has a trans laminar effect (has the ability to penetrate leaf tissue)
  • MIRACLE 25 WP when sprayed on plants will be immediately absorbed by the leaves and roots of the plant and transported acropetally
  • MIRACLE 25 WP is effective for controlling pests that damage plants by sucking pest such as white fly, aphids and thrips
  • MIRACLE 25 WP is also used for resistant management, especially to control pests that are resistant to other classes of active ingredients
  • MIRACLE 25 WP is not easily washed by rain


  • MIRACLE 25 WP memiliki cara kerja racun lambung dan kontak
  • MIRACLE 25 WP bekerja secara sistemik dan mempunyai efek trans laminar (memiliki kemampuan menembus jaringan daun)
  • MIRACLE 25 WP bila disemprotkan pada tanaman. cairan insektisida akan segera diserap oleh daun dan akar tanaman dan dapat didistribusikan secara acropetal.
  • MIRACLE 25 WP efektif mengendalikan hama perusak tanaman terutama serangga penghisap  dan penusuk termasuk hama seperti kutu kebul, kutu daun dan wereng.
  • MIRACLE 25 WP juga di gunakan sebagai manajemen resisten, terutama untuk mengendalikan hama yang resisten terhadap bahan aktif golongan lain
  • MIRACLE 25 WP tidak mudah tersapu air hujan

Mode of Action:

  • It is a systemic insecticide that translocate rapidly through plant tissues following application.
  • It affects the central nervous system of Insects - affects the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in insects and causes the accumulation of acetylcholine at nerve synapses. which ultimately leads to paralysis and death of the target organism
  • It also has good root-systemic action


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.