EMDOX 50/100 EC

Active Ingredient : Emamectin benzoate: 50 g/l + Indoxacarb: 100 g/l
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 100 ml & 250 ml
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Cabbage (Kubis) Diamond Back Moth (Ulat perusak daun) 1.5 ml / l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy (Padi) Yellow stem borer (Penggerek batang kuning); Brown Plant Hopper (Wereng coklat) 1.5 ml / l
Onion (Bawang Merah) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 1.5 ml / l
Chili (Cabai) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 1.5 ml / l
Tomato (Tomat) Fruit borers (Penggerek buah) 1.5 ml / l
Cabbage (Kubis) Cabbage cluster caterpillar (Ulat krop) 1.5 ml / l
Product Feature:

  • A combination of two active ingredients Emamectin benzoate and Indoxacarb
  • Broad spectrum so that it can be used to control wide range of pests particularly Lepidopteran caterpillars
  • It has good translaminar action thus also controls the caterpillars present on the lower surface of the leaves
  • It is quickly absorbed by leaf tissue
  • Fast action: the pest stops eating after several hours of inhalation of this insecticide
  • Affected larvae after paralysis will died subsequently in 2-4 days
  • Safe for beneficial insects
  • Not phytotoxic if used as directed
  • Useful in insecticide resistance management programs


  • Kombinasi dua bahan aktif Emamektin benzoat dan Indosakarb
  • Berspektrum luas sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan berbagai jenis hama terutama ulat Lepidoptera
  • Memiliki tindakan translaminar yang baik sehingga juga mengontrol ulat yang ada di permukaan bawah daun
  • Cepat diserap oleh jaringan daun
  • Tindakan cepat: hama berhenti makan setelah beberapa jam menghirup insektisida ini
  • Larva yang terkena setelah kelumpuhan akan mati kemudian dalam 2-4 hari
  • Aman untuk serangga yang bermanfaat
  • Tidak fitotoksik jika digunakan sesuai petunjuk
  • Berguna dalam program manajemen resistensi insektisida

Mode of Action:

  • It is non-systemic insecticide with stomach and contact action
  • It penetrates leaf tissues (translaminar activity) and forms a reservoir within the leaf
  • In facts it inhibits muscle contraction causing a continuous flow of chlorine ions in the GABA and H-Glutamate receptor sites
  • After penetrating in leaf tissue insect feed on these leaf tissues and as a result the insect is paralyzed immediately after ingestion
  • Affected larvae after paralysis will died subsequently in 2-4 days
  • Larvae stops feeding within hours of ingesting which preventing subsequent crop damage
  • Pests die within 2-4 days
  • Its work by via blocking neuronal sodium channels resulting in paralysis and death of targeted pests
  • The primary route of entry is through ingestion of treated foliage with some additional absorption through the pest cuticle
  • Pests exposed to it stop feeding within 0-4 hours
  • Paralysis and death occur within 4-48 hours


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically