Active Ingredient : Deltamethrin: 25g / l
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 1 liter
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Chili (Cabai) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 2 ml / l
Oil Palm (Kelapa Sawit) Fire worm (Ulat api) 1.5 ml/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Chili (Cabai) Thrips (Thrips) Aphids(Kutu daun) 1.5 ml/l
Onion (Bawang Merah) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 1.5 – 2.0 ml/l
Soybean (Kedelai) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) Seed fly (Lalat bibit) Pod borer (Penggerek polong) 2.0 – 2.5 ml / l
Corn (Jagung) Stem borers (Penggerek batang) Cob borer (Penggerek tongkol) Seed fly (Lalat bibit) 1.5 - 2.0 ml / l
Palm oil (Kelapa Sawit) Fire caterpillar (Ulat api) 0.5 ml / l
Cabbage (Kubis) Diamondback moth (Hama perusak daun) 1.5 - 2 ml / l
Tomato (Tomat) Fruit borers (Penggerek buah) 1.5 - 2 ml / l
Watermelon (Semangka) Thrips (Trips) Aphids (Kutu daun) 1.5 ml/l
Tobacco (Tembakau) Armyworm (Ulat grayak) Shoot borer (Penggerek batang) 2 ml/l
Product Feature:

  • The broad spectrum pyrethroid insecticide can be used to control a variety of pests
  • Works quickly as a contact and stomach poison so that insect pests will die immediately if directly exposed to spray droplets or after touching or eating leaves or other crop parts affected by spray droplets
  • Quickly kill insect pests by damaging the insects nervous system and disrupting the function of neurons by interactions with the sodium channel
  • Effectively controlling important pests in vegetables crops and fruit, The "KNOCKDOWN" effect works quickly in minutes and minimizes greater damage, Effectively controlling various types of crop pests with low doses more efficient and efficient
  • This insecticide is easy to dissolve in water and compatible with a variety of spray equipment
  • This insecticide does not cause phytotoxics in Crops if used as directed


  • Insektisida piretroid berspektrum luas dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan berbagai hama.
  • Bekerja cepat sebagai racun kontak dan lambung, sehingga hama akan langsung mati jika langsung terkena  larutan semprot atau setelah menyentuh atau memakan daun atau bagian tanaman lain yang terkena larutan semprot
  • Membunuh hama secara cepat dengan cara merusak sistem saraf dan mengganggu fungsi neuron melalui interaksi dengan saluran natrium
  • Secara efektif mengendalikan hama penting pada sayuran, tanaman dan buah
  • Efek "KNOCKDOWN" bekerja cepat dalam hitungan menit dan meminimalkan kerusakan yang lebih besar
  • Insektisida ini mudah larut dalam air dan kompatibel dengan berbagai peralatan penyemprot
  • Insektisida ini tidak menyebabkan fitotoksik pada tanaman jika digunakan sesuai petunjuk

Mode of Action:

  • Non-systemic insecticide as a contact and stomach poison
  • Inhibiting the nervous system of insects so that insects stop eating and die


Use Pentabarbitone in any vein at the rate of 0.7 g per day until poisoning is cured.