Active Ingredient : Lambda cyhalothrin 106 g/l + Thiametoxam 141 g/l
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 250 ml & 500 ml
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Tomato Fruit borer (Ulat buah) 0.2 ml / l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Onion (Bawang merah) Leaf miner (Lalat penggorok daun); Armyworm (Ulat grayak) 0.5 ml/l
Cabbage (Kubis) Diamondback moth (Ulat daun kubis); Cabbage cluster caterpillar (Ulat krop) 0.5 ml/l
Potato (Kentang) Leafminer (Lalat penggorok daun); Thrips (Trips); Tuber borer (Penggerek umbi kentang) 0.5 ml/l
Chili (Cabai) Armyworm (Ulat grayak); Thrips (Trips); Aphids (Kutu daun) 0.5 ml/l
Citrus (Jeruk) Brown citus Aphid (Toxoptera citricidus); Citrus leaf miner (Kutu daun); Citrus leaf miner (Penggerek daun jeruk) 0.5 ml/l
Soybean (Kedelai) Leaf roller pests (Ulat penggulung daun); Fruit extractor (Penghisap polong);Pod borer (Penggerek polong) 0.5 ml/l
Product Feature:

  • INDOSUPER is a broad-spectrum insecticide
  • INDOSUPER is a systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action
  • It is a novel insecticide for controlling various sucking insect pest in many crops
  • It is very good insecticide for various sucking pests which have developed resistance to other conventional insecticides
  • It has good translaminar action
  • Due to translaminar and systemic action it is easily absorbed and translocated in whole plant therefore effectively control the hiding insects
  • It has quick and long duration control.
  • It has a good rain fastness property
  • Rapidly taken up into the plants and has acropetal movement through the xylem
  • It is almost compatible with other insecticides
  • It leaves no residue which mean target specific and is environmentally highly acceptable
  • Comparatively safer to the beneficial insects
  • Suitable for Integrated Pest Management
  • It also prevents the spread of diseases like leaf curl in Cotton by controlling insect vectors of diseases
  • More economical because it is being used at low dose as compared to other insecticides
  • It gives a quick results due to fast eradication power
  • Safe for non-target organisms
  • High rain fastness, not easily washed by rain water, because it is quickly absorbed by leaf tissue
  • Very low residual effect as it is easily decomposes
  • This insecticide does not cause phytotoxics in Crops if used as directed


  • INDOSUPER adalah insektisida berspektrum luas
  • INDOSUPER adalah insektisida sistemik dengan aksi kontak dan lambung
  • Insektisida baru untuk mengendalikan berbagai hama penghisap pada berbagai tanaman
  • Memiliki aksi translaminar dan sistemik mudah diserap dan ditranslokasi di seluruh tanaman sehingga secara efektif mengendalikan hama yang bersembunyi
  • Memiliki kontrol durasi cepat dan panjang
  • Memiliki sifat tahan hujan yang baik
  • Cepat diserap tanaman dan mengalami gerakan acropetal melalui xilem
  • Tidak meninggalkan residu yang berarti spesifik target dan sangat dapat diterima lingkungan
  • Relatif lebih aman untuk hama menguntungkan
  • Lebih ekonomis karena digunakan dengan dosis rendah dibandingkan dengan insektisida lainnya
  • Memberikan hasil yang cepat karena daya pemberantasan yang cepat
  • Tidak mudah tersapu air hujan, karena cepat diserap oleh jaringan daun
  • Insektisida ini tidak menyebabkan fitotoksik pada tanaman jika digunakan sesuai petunjuk

Mode of Action:


  • It belongs to the neonicotinoid group of insecticide and it acts on the central nervous system of insects
  • Immediately after coming to the contact/intaking The Indosuper insect stops feeding
  • Affected sucking insects do not penetrate the plant tissue again
  • It interferes with postsynaptic nicotinic acetyl choline receptors site of the insect nervous system
  • Due to irreversible blockage of postsynaptic nAChRs leads to the hyperexcitation of the nerves
  • Hyperexcitation followed by convulsions and eventual paralysis of the insects. This results the death of insects

Lambda cyhalothrin

  • It is a very powerful member of Synthetic pyrethroid group of insecticides
  • It acts on insects by contact and stomach mode of action
  • It actively control small larvae, nymphs and adult stages of many insects
  • It is effective for the control of pests like bollworms, Sucking pest, Leafminer, Mites, Thrips, Hopper, etc in wide range of crops
  • It disrupt the functioning of the nervous system in insects


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.