TOKINDO 180/120 SC

Active Ingredient : Chlorfenapyr 180 g/l + Indoxacarb 120 g/l SC
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 100 ml & 250 ml
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Cabbage (Kubis) Diamondback moth (Perusak daun) 1 ml/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Shallot (Bawang merah) Leafminer (Penggorok daun) 1 ml/l
Chili (Cabai) Aphids (Kutu daun); Thrips (Trips) 1 ml/l
Cabbage (Kubis) Cabbage cluster caterpillar (Ulat rumpun kubis); Diamondback moth (Ulat daun kubis) 1 ml/l
Watermelon (Semangka) Thrips (Trips); Aphids (Kutu daun); Pumpkin beetle (Kumbang) 1 ml/l
Tomato (Tomat) Fruit borer (Penggerek tongkol) 2 ml/l
Potato (Kentang) Leafminer (Penggorok daun) 1 ml/l
Product Feature:

  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC is the combination of two very powerful active ingredients that increase the killing power of the product
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC gives excellent control against lepidoptera pests such as cutworm, armyworm and diamond-back moth
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC has both stomach and contact poison which stops the energy generation process of insects. The synthesis and biological functions of the cells are stopped due to lack of energy
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC is strongly attached and quickly absorbs in plant leaves so it does not evaporate easily
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC also has translaminar action so it also kills the pest like mites which are hiding on the lower side of leaves
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC has long duration control
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC is directly attacks the respiratory and nervous systems of target pests so give very quick results
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC also able to control insects, which have developed resistance for other active ingredients
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC is highly effective in controlling caterpillars/leaf munchers
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC is a pro insecticide - ideal product for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Resistance Management (IRM)


  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC dengan kombinasi 2 bahan aktif yang kuat meningkatkan daya bunuh dalam produk
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC memberikan pengendalian yang sangat baik terhadap hama lepidoptera seperti ulat grayak, ulat grayak dan Diamondback moth
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC memiliki racun perut dan racun kontak yang menghentikan proses pembentukan energi serangga. Sintesis dan fungsi biologis sel terhenti karena kekurangan energi
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC melekat kuat dan cepat menyerap pada daun tanaman sehingga tidak mudah menguap
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC juga memiliki efek traslaminar sehingga dapat membunuh hama seperti tungau yang bersembunyi di bagian bawah
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC juga memiliki durasi pengendalian hama yang panjang
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC langsung menyerang sistem pernapasan dan sistem syaraf hama sasaran sehingga memberikan hasil yang sangat cepat
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC mampu mengendalikan hama yang sudah resisten terhadap bahan aktif lainnya
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC sangat efektif dalam mengendalikan ulat/penggerek daun
  • TOKINDO 180/120 SC adalah produk yang pro insektisida - produk yang ideal untuk Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT) dan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT)

Mode of Action:


  • It is insecticide and acaricide with mainly stomach, some contact mode of action
  • It also exhibits good translaminar, but limited systemic activity in plants
  • It works by disrupting the production of adenosine triphosphate


  • It has contact and ingestion mode of action
  • The affected insects cease feeding, with poor co-ordination, paralysis and ultimately death
  • Its insecticidal activity occurs via blockage of the sodium channels in the insect nervous system and the mode of entry is via the stomach and contact routes


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.