INDO550 500/50 EC

Active Ingredient : Chlorpyriphos 500 g/l + Cypermethrin 50 g/l EC
Category : Insecticide
Packaging : 1 liter, 800 ml & 400 ml
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Kubis (Cabbage) Ulat perusak daun (Diamondback moth) 1.0 ml/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Padi (Paddy) Penggerek batang (Stem borer); Ulat pelipat daun (Leaf roller) 1.0 ml/l
Cabai (Chili) Trips (Thrips); Kutu daun (Aphids); Ulat grayak (Armyworm) 1.0 – 2.0 ml/l
Kubis (Cabbage) Ulat krop (Cabbage cluster caterpillar) 2.0-3.0 ml/l
Kedelai (Soybean) Ulat grayak (Armyworm); Penggerek polong (Pod borer); Lalat bibit (Agromyza sp) 2.0 ml/l
Tomat (Tomato) Penggerek buah (Fruit borer); Trips (Thrips); Kutu daun (Aphids) 1.0 – 2.0 ml/l
Product Feature:

  • INDO550 500/50 EC has combines the power of two proven active ingredients, Chlorpyriphos and Cypermethrin to provide a double assault on pests with one product.
  • Both active ingredients have been used for the last several decades but no resistance is reported and has good compatibility with most commonly used pesticides.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC is non-systemic insecticide with other modes of action pesticides contact, stomach action, ingestion and vapor action.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC has broad spectrum insecticide that can control sucking, chewing, biting and boring insects in various crops.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC has quick knockdown action having longer persistence on leaves and specifically effective on most of the larva
  • INDO550 500/50 EC is able to work quickly and effectively to control pests, especially the Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera, Lepidopteran.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC is high rain fastness, not easily washed by rain water, because it is quickly absorbed by leaf tissue.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC can be effective for a long time because it has a high value of persistence. It is also used for the management of soil insects because of longer residual action.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC is easily degraded on soil and plants but can be effective for weeks when applied to indoor inert surfaces
  • INDO550 500/50 EC can be used in conjunction with other pesticides as part of an IPM strategy.


  • INDO550 500/50 EC menggabungkan kekuatan dua bahan aktif yang telah terbukti, yaitu Klorpirifos dan Sipermetrin, untuk memberikan serangan ganda terhadap hama dalam satu produk.
  • Kedua bahan aktif tersebut telah digunakan selama beberapa dekade terakhir namun tidak dilaporkan adanya resistensi dan memiliki kompatibilitas yang baik dengan sebagian besar pestisida yang umum digunakan.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC adalah insektisida non-sistemik dengan cara kerja pestisida lainnya yaitu kontak, perut, konsumsi dan uap.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC mempunyai insektisida berspektrum luas yang mampu mengendalikan serangga penghisap, pengunyah, penggigit dan penggerek pada berbagai tanaman.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC mempunyai aksi knockdown yang cepat dengan daya tahan yang lebih lama pada daun dan efektif pada sebagian besar larva.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC mampu bekerja cepat dan efektif mengendalikan hama khususnya Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera, Lepidopteran.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC tahan hujan tinggi, tidak mudah tersapu air hujan, karena cepat diserap jaringan daun.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC dapat efektif dalam jangka waktu lama karena mempunyai nilai persistensi yang tinggi. Ini juga digunakan untuk pengelolaan serangga tanah karena efek residunya lebih lama.
  • INDO550 500/50 EC mudah terdegradasi di tanah dan tanaman namun efektif selama berminggu-minggu bila diaplikasikan pada permukaan inert dalam ruangan
  • INDO550 500/50 EC dapat digunakan bersama dengan pestisida lain sebagai bagian dari strategi PHT.

Mode of Action:


  • Non-systemic insecticide with contact, ingestion and vapor action.
  • It affects the nervous system by inhibiting the breakdown of acetylcholine (ACh), a neurotransmitter. When insects are exposed, chlorpyriphos binds to the active site of the cholinesterase (ChE) enzyme, which prevents breakdown of ACh in the synaptic cleft leading to paralysis & eventually death of treated insect.


  • Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action.
  • Kill pests by making the pests stop eating.
  • Works on the nervous system of insects and disrupts the nervous system.


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically