Active Ingredient : Dimethomorph 50% WP
Category : Fungicide
Packaging : 10 gr & 40 gr
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Jagung (Corn) Embun bulu (Downy mildew) 10 g/kg benih (seeds)
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Jagung (Corn) Embun bulu (Downy mildew) 1.0 - 2.0 g/l air (water)
Mentimun (Cucumber) Hawar daun (Late blight); Embun bulu (Downy mildew) 2.5-3.0 g/kg benih (seeds)
Mentimun (Cucumber) Hawar daun (Late blight) 1.0 g/l air (water)
Padi (Paddy) Hawar pelepah (Sheath blight); Hawar daun (Late Blight) 3.0 g/kg benih (seeds)
Bawang merah (Onion) Bercak ungu (Purple spot); Embun bulu (Downy mildew) 3.0-3.5 g/l air (water)
Tomat (Tomato) Hawar daun (Late blight) 2.0-3.0 g/l air (water)
Cabai (Chili) Bercak daun (Leaf spot); Antraknosa (Anthracnose) 2.5 – 4.0 g/l air (water)
Kentang (Potato) Hawar daun (Late blight) 0.6 – 1.0 g/l air (water)
Anggur (Grapes) Semangka (Watermelon) Embun palsu (Downy mildew) 0.5 – 1.0 g/l air (water)
Melon (Melon) Embun bulu (Downy mildew); Antraknosa (Anthracnose) 0.5 – 1.0 g/l a
Product Feature:

  • SUPRAMET 50 WP has a unique mode of action that disintegrates the cell wall to kill the pathogen.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP is effective against all the stages of fungi, so give complete protection to crop.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP is give highly effective because prophylactic and therapeutic on target fungi.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP has systemic, translaminar and anti sporulant activity.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP can prevents sporulation much better than many other fungicides. The anti sporulate activity of SUPRAMET kills downy mildew/ late blight spores and preventing the spread of blight between plant.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP has a longer duration. The application interval of dimethomorph is usually about 7-10 days, which is 3-4 days longer than other fungicide, it saves the farmer repeat sprays hence saving money.


  • SUPRAMET 50 WP memiliki cara kerja yang unik yang dapat menghancurkan dinding sel patogen.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP efektif melawan semua stadium fungi, sehingga memberikan perlindungan menyeluruh pada tanaman.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP memberikan efek profilaksis dan terapeutik terhadap patogen sasaran.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP memiliki aktivitas sistemik, translaminar dan anti sporulan.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP mampu mencegah sporulasi jauh lebih baik dibandingkan fungisida lainnya. Aktivitas anti sporulasi fungisida SUPRAMET membunuh spora penyakit bulai/penyakit busuk daun, sehingga mencegah penyebaran penyakit antar tanaman.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP memiliki durasi yang lebih lama. Interval pemakaian dimethomorph biasanya sekitar 7-10 hari, dimana 3-4 hari lebih lama dibandingkan fungisida lain, sehingga petani dapat menghemat uang dalam penyemprotan berulang

Mode of Action:

  • SUPRAMET 50 WP is local systemic fungicide with good protectant and antisporulant activity
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP has translaminar Action – Good uptake into sprayed leaves. Acts on treated plants parts but is also redistribution in the plant tissue.
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP (Dimethomorph) can inhibit fungal cell wall formation
  • SUPRAMET 50 WP has a unique mode of action that disintegrates the cell wall to kill the pathogen.


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically