TRIBUNE 54.2/15 WP

Active Ingredient : Propineb: 54.2 + Tricyclazole: 15%
Category : Fungicide
Packaging : 400 gr
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy (Padi) Blast (Blas) 2.25 g / l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Coffee (Kopi) Leaf rust (Karat daun) 6 g/l
Cabbage (Kubis) Leaf spot (Bercak daun) 3 g/l
Orange (Jeruk) Powdery mildew (Embun tepung) 2 g/l
Potato (Kentang) Late blight (Hawar daun) 3 g/l
Onion (Bawang Merah) Purple spot (Bercak ungu) 3 g/l
Garlic (Bawang Merah) Purple spot (Bercak ungu) 3 g/l
Chili (Cabai) Leaf spot (Bercak daun); Anthracnose (Antraknosa) 2 g/l
Product Feature:

  • A combination of propineb and tricyclazole with contact and systemic action
  • It is a Broad spectrum fungicide and can control a variety of fungal diseases
  • Fine powder which can form a stable suspension in water and easily applied to plants
  • It is easily soluble in water and does not clog sprayers
  • Provides long-term protection.
  • It also has good translaminar action and quickly penetrate in plant tissues.
  • Works multi-site so as not to cause resistance.
  • Not Phytotoxic when used as directed.


  • Kombinasi propineb dan trisikazol dengan aksi kontak dan sistemik
  • Merupakan fungisida berspektrum luas dan dapat mengendalikan berbagai penyakit jamur
  • Serbuk halus yang dapat membentuk suspensi yang stabil dalam air dan mudah diaplikasikan pada tanaman
  • Mudah larut dalam air dan tidak menyumbat penyemprot
  • Memberikan perlindungan jangka panjang
  • Memiliki tindakan translaminar yang baik dan cepat menembus jaringan tanaman
  • Bekerja multi-site agar tidak menimbulkan resistensi
  • Bukan fitotoksisitas bila digunakan sesuai petunjuk

Mode of Action:

  • Broad-spectrum Contact & systemic fungicides with protective and curative action
  • It contains two active ingredients Propineb and Tricyclazole
  • Propineb interferes at different locations in the metabolism of the fungi; on several points of the respiration chain, in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, in the cell membranes.
  • Propineb is a broad-spectrum Contact fungicides with protective and curative action
  • Tricyclazole protects plants from infection by preventing fungus epidermis penetration. It acts by inhibiting melanization within the appressorium, thus causing a lack of rigidity in the appressorial wall.
  • Tricyclazole is not curative but is protective in its activity.


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.