Active Ingredient : Hexaconazole: 50 g / l
Category : Fungicide
Packaging : 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 liter
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Tomato (Tomat) Early Blight (Bercak kering) 2.5 ml / l
Rubber (Karet) White root disease (Penyakit akar putih) 1.875 ml/l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy (Padi) Sheath blight (Hawar pelepah); Stem rot (Busuk batang); Brown spot (Bercak coklat sempit) 2-3 ml / l
Cocoa (Kakao) Fruit rot (Busuk buah) 2-3 ml / l
Potato (Kentang) Late blight (Hawar daun) 2-3 ml / l
Onion (Bawang Merah) Purple spot (Bercak ungu) 2-3 ml / l
Chili (Cabai) Anthracnose (Antraknosa) 2-3 ml / l
Product Feature:

  • Broad spectrum systemic fungicide.
  • Unique fungicide that works protective curative and use.
  • Very good in controlling all fungal Ascomycete Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes.
  • Provides additional nutrients for plants.
  • Easily absorbed by the leaves no need to add any surfactant or spreader
  • Not phytotoxic to plants if used as directed., Work fast and provide long-term protection


  • Fungisida sistemik, protektif dan kuratif berspektrum luas
  • Sangat baik dalam mengendalikan semua jamur, Ascomycete, Basidiomycetes dan Deuteromycetes
  • Memberikan nutrisi tambahan bagi tanaman
  • Mudah diserap oleh daun, tidak perlu ditambahkan surfaktan atau penyebar apapun
  • Tidak menyebabkan fitotoksisitas pada tanaman jika digunakan sesuai petunjuk
  • Bekerja cepat dan memberikan perlindungan jangka panjang

Mode of Action:

  • Systemic fungicides from triazole which are protective, curative and used. Works with anti-sporulant and has strong translaminar power.
  • Ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors are important compounds to form fungal membrane structures so that they can control the growth and reproduction of plant fungal pathogens.


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically