Active Ingredient : Copper oxychloride: 85%
Category : Fungicide
Packaging : 100 gr, 400 gr & 1 kg
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Citrus (Jeruk) Citrus Cancer (Kanker jeruk) 1.25 g / l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Tobacco (Tembakau) Pineapple (Lanas) 3 g/l
Potato (Kentang) Late blight (Busuk daun) 2 g/l
Onion (Bawang merah) Leaf rot (Embun bulu) 3 g/l
Chilli (Cabai) Leaf spot (Bercak daun) 2 g/l
Tomato (Tomat) Early blight (Bercak kering) 2 g/l
Paddy (Padi) Bacterial leaf blight (Hawar daun) 2 g/l
Product Feature:

  • Broad-spectrum fungicide so it can control a variety of fungal and bacterial diseases.
  • The formulation is final powder so it easily get dissolved in water and quickly absorbed by plants.
  • It contains copper elements which provide additional nutrients for plants.
  • Multisite works so it does not cause resistance even in long-term use.


  • Fungisida berspektrum luas sehingga dapat mengendalikan berbagai penyakit jamur dan bakteri
  • Formulasinya berupa bubuk akhir sehingga mudah larut dalam air dan cepat diserap tanaman
  • Mengandung unsur tembaga yang memberikan nutrisi tambahan bagi tanaman
  • Multisite berfungsi sehingga tidak menimbulkan resistensi meskipun dalam penggunaan jangka panjang

Mode of Action:

  • Preventive contact fungicide.
  • It works by interfering with the enzyme system of spores and mycelium, a process which is usually irreversible.
  • It forms a protective layer on the plant surface, which works as chemical barrier against fungal attack so it is very effective fungicide with preventative action


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.