Active Ingredient : Mancozeb: 64% + Metalaxyl: 8%
Category : Fungicide
Packaging : 400 gr
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Potato (Kentang) Late blight (Hawar daun) 1 g / l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Tomato (Tomat) Late blight (Hawar daun) 1 g / l
Onion (Bawang Merah) Downy mildew (Embun bulu); Purple spot (Bercak ungu) 1 g / l
Chili (Cabai) Leaf spot (Bercak daun); Anthracnose (Antraknosa) 1 g / l
Watermelon (Semangka) Downy mildew (Embun bulu) 1 g / l
Paddy (Padi) Leaf spot (Bercak daun); Leaf blight (Hawar daun); Brown spot (Bercak coklat sempit) 1 g / l
Product Feature:

  • The combination two active ingredoents mancozeb (a contact fungicide) and metalaxyl (a systemic fungicide)
  • Provides double protection (double protection) protect from the outside and inside.
  • Broad spectrum fungicide, Effectively control of various diseases, It has a high level of efficacy,
  • It got easily dissolve in water and forms fine foams so that it can easily absorbed and panitrate inside the plants


  • Kombinasi dua bahan aktif mankozeb (fungisida kontak) dan metalaksil (fungisida sistemik)
  • Memberikan perlindungan ganda (double protection) melindungi dari luar dan dalam
  • Fungisida berspektrum luas
  • Efektif mengendalikan berbagai penyakit
  • Memiliki tingkat kemanjuran yang tinggi
  • Mudah larut dalam air dan membentuk buih-buih halus sehingga mudah terserap dan terpanitrasi di dalam tanaman

Mode of Action:

  • Broad spectrum fungicide with contact and systemic mode of action Mancozeb
  • Mancozeb is a broad spectrum contact fungicide and belong to dithiocarbamates group of fungicide that reacts and inactivates amino acid, sulfhydryl groups and fungal cell enzymes that cause impaired lipid metabolism and respiration.
  • Metalaxyl is systemic fungicide with curative and preventive action, It also involve in impaired biosynthesis of RNA so that mitosis is inhibited


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically