Active Ingredient : Azoxystrobin: 60 g / l + Carbendazim: 250 g / l + Tebuconazole: 165 g / l
Category : Fungicide
Packaging : 100 ml & 200 ml
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy (Padi) Blast (Blas) 1 ml / l
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Onion (Bawang merah) Downy mildew (Embun bulu): Purple spot (Bercak ungu) 1 ml / l
Paddy (Padi) Sheath blight (Hawar pelepah); Stem rot (Busuk batang); Brown spot (Bercak coklat sempit) 1 ml / l
Chili (Cabai) Leaf spot (Bercak daun); Anthracnose (Antraknosa) 1 ml / l
Potato (Kentang) Late blight (Hawar daun) 1 ml / l
Tomato (Tomat) Early blight (ABusuk kering) 1 ml / l
Watermelon (Semangka) Downy mildew (Embun bulu); Anthracnose (Antraknosa) 1 ml / l
Product Feature:

  • EMPEROR 475 SC is the combination of three active ingredients azoxystrobin carbendazim and tebuconazole.
  • Broad-spectrum fungicides which control various fungal problems.
  • The SC (soluble concentrate) formulation is safer for plants.
  • Provides long-term protection.
  • Low dose of use.
  • Protect while nourishing and increasing plant productivity.
  • Complete solution to all fungal diseases.
  • Can also control those fungi which got resistance to various other active ingredients
  • Control various diseases in a relatively short time.
  • No phytotoxicity in plants if used as directed.


  • EMPEROR 475 SC adalah kombinasi dari tiga bahan aktif, azoksistrobin, karbendazim dan tebukonazol.
  • Fungisida berspektrum luas mengendalikan berbagai masalah jamur
  • Formulasi SC (konsentrat larut) lebih aman untuk tanaman
  • Memberikan perlindungan jangka panjang
  • Penggunaan dosis rendah
  • Melindungi sekaligus menutrisi dan meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman
  • Solusi lengkap untuk semua penyakit jamur
  • Dapat mengendalikan jamur yang resisten terhadap berbagai bahan aktif lainnya
  • Mengendalikan berbagai penyakit dalam waktu relatif singkat.
  • Tidak ada fitotoksisitas pada tanaman jika digunakan sesuai petunjuk

Mode of Action:

  • Systemic fungicides which are protective and curative.
  • Azoxystrobin works by inhibiting the respiration of fungal mitochondria.
  • Carbendazim inhibits the development of fungus by disrupting the formation of mitotic Spindles.
  • Tebuconazole works to disrupt the growth process of the fungal cell wall structure which will inhibit fungal reproduction and growth.


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically