Active Ingredient : Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl: 10%
Category : Herbicide
Packaging : 25 gr
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Rice cultivation (Budidaya Padi) Broadleaf Weed (Gulma Berdaun Lebar): Monochoria vaginalis; Spigelia anthelmia Grass Group Weed (Gulma Golongan Rumput): Echinochloa colona; Leptochloa chinensis 75 - 200 g/ha
Product Feature:

  • It is systemic hervicide so can be spread evenly throughout the weeds, both leaves, stems and roots
  • It is a broad spectrum herbicide so can control both broadleaf and grassy weeds
  • It is a Selective herbicide so it only kill target weeds without causing damage to the main crop
  • Flexible application time can be used before and after rice plants grow
  • Safe for the environment


  • Herbisida sistemik sehingga dapat menyebar merata ke seluruh gulma, baik daun, batang maupun akar
  • Merupakan herbisida berspektrum luas sehingga dapat mengendalikan gulma berdaun lebar dan berumput
  • Merupakan herbisida selektif sehingga hanya membunuh gulma sasaran tanpa menyebabkan kerusakan pada tanaman utama
  • Waktu aplikasi fleksibel, dapat digunakan sebelum dan sesudah tanaman padi tumbuh
  • Aman bagi lingkungan

Mode of Action:

  • It is broad spectrum selective systemic herbicide
  • It is absorbed by roots and translocated through out plant
  • It works by inhibiting the acetolactate synthase (ALS) which is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids such as valine leucine and isoleucine


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically