Active Ingredient : Atrazine: 72% + Nicosulfuron: 8%
Category : Herbicide
Packaging : 250 gr & 500 gr
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Corn (Jagung) Broadleaf weed (Gulma Berdaun Lebar): Amaranthus spinosus; Murdannia nudiflora Grass weeds (Gulma Golongan Rumput): Digitaria ciliaris; Eleusine indica 0.75 – 1 kg/ha
Product Feature:

  • Easy to use - HERBINATOR does not require additional surfactants in its application
  • New formulation - The latest combination of herbicide granules (WG)
  • No wastage of herbicide due to sticking with bottles
  • Excellent selectivity for corn plants and effectively controlling the main weeds in corn plants
  • No resistance issues - HERBINATOR is very effective in controlling broadleaf weeds and grasses even when the application is late
  • Cost-effective - with a low application dose per hectare making it more economical to use
  • Long application window
  • No Phyto Toxicity if applied as per recommendation


  • Mudah digunakan - HERBINATOR tidak membutuhkan surfaktan tambahan dalam aplikasinya.
  • Formulasi baru - Kombinasi herbisida granul (WG) terbaru
  • Tidak ada pemborosan herbisida karena menempel dengan botol
  • Selektivitas yang sangat baik untuk tanaman jagung dan efektif mengendalikan gulma utama pada tanaman jagung
  • Tidak ada masalah resistensi - HERBINATOR sangat efektif dalam mengendalikan gulma dan rerumputan berdaun lebar bahkan ketika aplikasinya terlambat
  • Hemat biaya - dengan dosis aplikasi per hektar yang rendah sehingga lebih ekonomis untuk digunakan
  • Tidak menyebkan fitotoksisitas jika diterapkan sesuai rekomendasi

Mode of Action:

  • Selective systemic herbicide for corn
  • It is quickly absorbed by leaf tissue and translates into meristem tissue through xylem and phloem and works by inhibiting plant photosynthesis and photosynthesis It contain two active ingredients Atrazine
  • Atrazine functions by binding to the plastoquinone-binding protein in photosystem II
  • Plant death results from starvation and oxidative damage caused by breakdown in the electron transport process
  • Atrazine kill broadleaf and grassy weeds by absorbing through the weed's roots in liquid form It travels up to the actively growing leaves and tips and inhibits photosynthesis.
  • This takes about two to three weeks Nicosulfuron Nicosulfuron is rapidly absorbed by leaf tissue and is translocated meristems via the phloem and xylem
  • It controls weeds by inhibiting acetolactate synthase (ALS) also called acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS)
  • ALS is a necessary enzyme for the production of three branched-chain amino acids isoleucine leucine and valine
  • Weeds treated with nicosulfuron will first begin to develop chlorosis in the new growth and then gradually as the weed continues to be starved of the vital branched-chain amino acids, the chlorosis symptomology will develop in older growth
  • Chlorotic symptomology then turns to necrosis and desiccation of the plant tissue occurs
  • Control typically takes 3-4 weeks from treatment to plant death


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically