Active Ingredient : 2,4-D dimethyl amine (2,4-D dimethyl ammonium) 865 g / l
Category : Herbicide
Packaging : 200 ml, 400 ml & 1 L
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy (Padi) Broadleaf Weed: Ludwigia octovalvis 0.9 - 1.8 l/ha
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Rubber (Karet) Broadleaf weed : Ageratum conyzoides; Borreria alata; Croton hirtus; Dioda sarmentosa; Synedrella nodiflora Gras weed : Cyperus kyllingia 1 - 2 l / ha
Palm oil (Kelapa sawit) Broadleaf weed: Ageratum conyzoides; Asystasia gangetica 1.5 - 2 l / ha
Sugarcane (Tebu) Broadleaf weed : Ageratum conyzoides; Acalypha indica; Leucas lavandulifolia; Ludwigia peruviana; Phyllanthus niruri 1 – 2 l / ha
Product Feature:

  • Knock Down 865 SL with active ingredient 2,4 D dimethyl amine is a phenoxycarboxylic acid group
  • 2,4-D is a selective herbicide that it basically works like a harmful cancer to targeted plant causes the plant to grow uncontrollably without stopping to the point that it dies
  • Target and control numerous broadleaf weeds and brush with Knock Down 865 SL weed killer herbicide. With this effective product, it can eradicate postemergent weeds in crop and noncrop areas and use it with other pesticides in the tank
  • Knock Down 865 SL is a broad spectrum herbicide so kills only target weeds without damaging the main crop
  • The active ingredient 2,4-D  works by mimicking the weed's growth hormone, resulting in irregular growth and it is translocated and accumulate into the growing points and acts as a growth inhibitor
  • The movement of 2,4-D is strongly influenced by the age of weeds and assimilates. Movement will be slower in older weeds than seedling and young plants
  • Knock Down 865 SL is starts to work after one spray
  • Knock Down 865 SL is a systemic post-emergent herbicide for the control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in wide range of crops
  • Uses for products containing 2,4-D vary widely such as: Eradicating weeds near aquatic sites and for use as preplant, pre-emergent, emergent and postemergent applications
  • Knock Down 865 SL is best used when have weeds popping up that are in close proximity or among desired turf and plants and don't worry about the chemical getting on those plants and doing damage
  • Knock Down 865 SL is used for terrestrial and aquatic broadleaf weeds control in agricultural and nonagricultural settings
  • Knock Down 865 SL is affordable, effective and most of all selective meaning it will only target the specific weeds that want gone and will not harm the desired plants and vegetation
  • Crops treated with 2,4-D include field corn, soybeans, sugarcane, and paddy
  • Apart from broad leaf weeds, these also effectively control the Cyperus sp is rapidly absorbed by leaves and roots of treated plants
  • Knock Down 865 SL is compatible with other commonly used chemicals
  • Knock Down 865 SL gives a longer duration control
  • This herbicide is easy to dissolve in water and does not interfere with spraying equipment


  • Knock Down 865 SL dengan bahan aktif 2,4 D dimetil amina merupakan grup phenoxycarboxylic acid
  • 2,4-D merupakan herbisida selektif yang pada dasarnya bekerja seperti kanker yang merugikan tanaman sasaran dan menyebabkan tanaman tumbuh tidak terkendali tanpa henti hingga mati
  • Menargetkan dan mengendalikan sejumlah gulma berdaun lebar menggunakan herbisida pembunuh gulma Knock Down 865 SL. Dengan produk yang efektif ini, dapat membasmi gulma pasca tumbuh di area tanaman dan non-tanaman serta dapat menggunakannya dengan pestisida lain di dalam tangki
  • Knock Down 865 SL merupakan herbisida berspektrum luas sehingga hanya membunuh gulma sasaran tanpa merusak tanaman utama
  • Bahan aktif 2,4-D bekerja dengan meniru hormon pertumbuhan gulma, sehingga menghasilkan pertumbuhan tidak teratur dan ditranslokasi serta terakumulasi ke titik tumbuh dan bertindak sebagai penghambat pertumbuhan
  • Pergerakan 2,4-D sangat dipengaruhi oleh umur gulma dan asimilatnya. Pergerakan akan lebih lambat pada gulma yang lebih tua dibandingkan dengan bibit dan tanaman muda
  • Knock Down 865 SL mulai bekerja setelah satu kali penyemprotan
  • Knock Down 865 SL adalah herbisida pasca tumbuh sistemik untuk mengendalikan gulma berdaun lebar tahunan ada berbagai tanaman
  • Memberantas gulma di dekat lokasi perairan dan untuk digunakan sebagai aplikasi sebelum tanam, sebelum tumbuh dan pasca tumbuh
  • Knock Down 865 SL paling baik digunakan ketika ada gulma yang muncul di dekat atau di antara rumput dan tanaman yang diinginkan dan tidak perlu khawatir bahan kimia akan mengenai tanaman tersebut dan menyebabkan kerusakan
  • Knock Down 865 SL digunakan untuk pengendalian gulma berdaun lebar di darat dan perairan baik pada lingkungan pertanian atau nonpertanian
  • Knock Down 865 SL produk yang terjangkau, efektif dan yang terpenting selektif, artinya hanya menargetkan gulma tertentu yang ingin dibasmi dan tidak akan merusak tanaman dan vegetasi yang diinginkan
  • Tanaman yang diberi perlakuan 2,4-D meliputi jagung ladang, kedelai, tebu, dan padi
  • Selain gulma berdaun lebar, gulma ini juga efektif mengendalikan Cyperus sp.
  • Cepat diserap oleh daun dan akar tanaman yang diberi perlakuan
  • Knock Down 865 SL kompatibel dengan bahan kimia lain yang umum digunakan
  • Knock Down 865 SL memberikan durasi kontrol yang lebih lama
  • Herbisida ini mudah larut dalam air dan tidak mengganggu peralatan penyemprotan

Mode of Action:

  • It is selective and systemic herbicide of phenoxycarboxylic group. It is a synthetic auxin (Plant Hormones) works by causing uncontrolled cell division. Abnormal increases in cell wall plasticity, biosynthesis of proteins, and production of ethylene occur in plant tissues which leads to uncontrolled cell division. These uncontrolled, unsustainable growth ensues, causing stem curl-over, leaf withering, and eventual plant death
  • 2,4-D degraded slowly on foliage and in leaf litter
  • It is a systemic herbicide with multiple site of action


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.