Active Ingredient : Ammonium Glufosinate: 200 g / l equivalent to Glufosinate: 183 g / l
Category : Herbicide
Packaging : 500 ml & 1 L
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Palm oil (TBM) (Kelapa Sawit) Broadleaf Weed (Gulma Berdaun Lebar): (Ageratum conyzoides Borreria alata) Grass Group Weed (Gulma Golongan Rumput): (Ottochloa nodosa Axonopus copressus Paspalum conjugatum) 1.5 – 3 l / ha
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Rubber (TBM) (Karet) Broadleaf weed (Gulma Berdaun Lebar): (Ageratum conyzoides Borreria laevis Calopogonium mucunoides Hedyotis corymbose) Grass Group Weed (Gulma Golongan Rumput) (Cyperus kyllingia) 3 - 4 l / ha
Cocoa (TBM) (Kakao) Broadleaf weed (Gulma Berdaun Lebar): Asystasia gengetica Mikania micrantha Grass Group Weed (Gulma Golongan Rumput): Digitaria ciliaris Imperata cylindrica 2 - 4 l / ha
Coffee (TBM) (Kopi) Broadleaf Weed (Gulma Berdaun Lebar): Ageratum conyzoides Synedrella nodiflora Grass Group Weed (Gulma Golongan Rumput): Digitaria ciliaris Paspalum conjugatum 1.5 - 3 l / ha
Tea (Teh) Broadleaf Weed(Gulma Berdaun Lebar): Ageratum conyzoides Grass Group Weed (Gulma Golongan Rumput): Setaria plicata bush or woody weed Clidemia hirta Diodia sarmentosa Equisetum debile fern 2 - 4 l / ha
Shallot (Bawang Merah) Broadleaf Weed (Gulma Berdaun Lebar): Ageratum conyzoides Borreria alata Mikania micrantha Grass Group Weed (Gulma Golongan Rumput): Ischaemum timorense Ottochloa nodosa 1.5 - 2.5 l / ha
Product Feature:

  • It s non selective contact herbicides
  • It is quickly absorb into the weeds, primarily through their leaves and other green parts
  • Quickly degraded in the soil making it safe for the environment
  • Broad spectrum and effective in controlling various types of weeds


  • Herbisida kontak non selektif
  • Cepat menyerap ke dalam gulma, terutama melalui daun dan bagian hijau lainnya
  • Cepat terdegradasi di dalam tanah sehingga aman bagi lingkungan
  • Berspektrum luas dan efektif mengendalikan berbagai jenis gulma

Mode of Action:

  • It is a non selective Contact herbicides
  • Plants absorb this substance primarily through their leaves and other green parts
  • It works by inhibiting the synthesis of enzyme glutamine on nitrogen metabolism in weeds


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically (if there is any antidote known then please mention its name)