Active Ingredient : Oxyfluorfen 240 g/l
Category : Herbicide
Packaging : 100 ml
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Onion (Bawang merah) Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Amaranthus spinosus; Portulaca oleracea; Ageratum conyzoides; Euphorbia hirta; Synedrella nodiflora. Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Echinochloa colonum; Eleusina indica 1.50-3.50 l/ha
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Soybean (Kedelai) Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Ageratum conyzoides; Cleome rutidosperma; Euphorbia hirta; Richardia brasiliensis; Synedrella nodiflora. Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Cynodon dactylon; Digitaria adcendens; Ischaemum timorense; Panicum repens 1 - 3 l/ha
Carrot (Wortel) Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Cynodon dactylon; Panicum repens. Sedges (Teki): Cyperus rotundus 0.5 - 0.75 l/ha
Potato (Kentang) Sedges (Teki): Cyperus rotundus. Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Heliotropium indicum 0.425 – 0.85 l/ha
Ground nut (Kacang tanah) Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Echinochloa colona; Digitaria marginata 0.425 – 0.85 l/ha
Tea (Teh) Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Borremperata cylindrica. Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Borreria hispida 0.6 – 1 l/ha
Product Feature:

  • OXYNATOR 240 EC is selective contact herbicide.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC has strong contact & residual action so give prolonged weed control.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC has Broad spectrum activity – Excellent control of both broadleaf & grassy weeds in onion crop.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC can be used on weed-free soil to prevent germination of a wide variety of weeds
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC is able to show rapid results, many weeds showing signs of wilting and damage shortly after application.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC has pre-emergence as well as targeted post-emergence activity.   
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC belongs to green chemistry which is safe for the environment & users.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC is compatible for tank mixed with common herbicides for broad spectrum and extended weed control.


  • OXYNATOR 240 EC merupakan herbisida kontak selektif.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC mempunyai kontak & aksi sisa yang kuat sehingga mampu mengendalikan gulma dalam waktu lama.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC memiliki aktivitas spektrum luas – Pengendalian yang sangat baik terhadap gulma berdaun lebar dan rumput pada tanaman bawang merah.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC dapat digunakan pada tanah bebas gulma untuk mencegah perkecambahan berbagai jenis gulma untuk meningkatkan variasi pengendalian gulma.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC mampu menunjukkan hasil yang cepat, banyak gulma yang menunjukkan tanda-tanda layu dan rusak segera setelah aplikasi.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC mempunyai aktivitas pra-kemunculan dan pasca-kemunculan yang ditargetkan.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC memiliki bahan kimia ramah lingkungan yang aman bagi lingkungan & pengguna.
  • OXYNATOR 240 EC cocok untuk tangki yang dicampur dengan herbisida umum untuk spektrum luas dan pengendalian gulma yang lebih luas. 

Mode of Action:

  • Selective contact herbicide, absorbed more readily by the foliage (and especially the shoots) than by the roots, with very little translocation.
  • Oxynator inhibits the specific enzyme, Protoporphyinogen oxidase, which leads to the accumulation of phototoxic heme and chlorophyll precursors, which in presence of light, produce activated oxygen species. These oxygen species disrupt the membrane. Sunlight is essential for the performance of Oxynator.


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.