Active Ingredient : Glufosinate Ammonium 150 g/l
Category : Herbicide
Packaging : 500 ml & 1 L
Registered Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Palm Oil (Kelapa sawit) Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Ageratum conyzoides; Borreria alata. Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Ottochloa nodosa; Paspalum conjugatum; Axonopus compressus 1.5 - 3 l/ha
Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Rubber (Karet) Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Ageratum conyzoides; Borreria alata. Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Cyperus kyllingia 3 - 4 l/ha
Cocoa (Kakao) Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Asystasia gengtica; Mikania micrantha. Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Digitaria ciliaris; imperata cylindrica 2 - 4 l/ha
Coffee (Kopi) Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Ageratum conyzoides; Syndedrella nodiflora. Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Digitaria ciliaris; Paspalum conjugatum 1.5 - 3 l/ha
Tea (Teh) Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Ageratum conyzoides. Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Setaria plicata; woody weed clidemia hirta; Diodia sarmentosa; Equisetum debile fern 2 - 4 l/ha
Onion (Bawang merah) Broadleaf weeds (Gulma berdaun lebar): Ageratum conyzoides; Borreria alata; Mikania micrantha. Grasses weeds (Gulma golongan rumput): Ischaemum timorense; Ottochloa nodosa 1.5 - 2.5 l/ha
Product Feature:

  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL is a herbicide with the active ingredient glufosinate ammonium, a post-emergence systemic herbicide to control broad-leaved and narrow-leaf weeds.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL acts by contact action it is safer to the crops than other non-selective herbicides in directed spray.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL is broad-spectrum herbicide highly effective against a variety of weeds.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL has active effect, slower than paraquat and better than glyphosate.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL has strong penetrating ability and can prevent some glyphosate-resistant weeds.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL is quickly absorb into the weeds, primarily through their leaves.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL is very versatile and effective under different climatic conditions.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL no residues in soil, water and plant.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL has quickly degraded in the soil making it safe for the environment.


  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL merupakan herbisida dengan bahan aktif amonium glufosinat, merupakan herbisida sistemik pasca tumbuh untuk mengendalikan gulma berdaun lebar dan berdaun sempit.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL bekerja melalui tindakan kontak. Lebih aman bagi tanaman dibandingkan herbisida non-selektif lainnya yang disemprotkan secara langsung.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL adalah herbisida berspektrum luas yang sangat efektif melawan berbagai jenis gulma.
  • DICIPLINE 150 SL mempunyai efek aktif lebih lambat dibandingkan paraquat dan lebih baik dibandingkan glifosat.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL memiliki kemampuan penetrasi yang kuat dan dapat mencegah beberapa gulma yang tahan glifosat.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL cepat meresap ke dalam gulma, terutama melalui daunnya.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL sangat serbaguna dan efektif dalam berbagai kondisi iklim.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL tidak ada residu di tanah, air dan tanaman.
  • DISCIPLINE 150 SL cepat terdegradasi di dalam tanah sehingga aman bagi lingkungan.

Mode of Action:

  • Non-selective contact herbicide with some systemic action.
  • Translocation occurs only within leaves, predominantly from the leaf base to the leaf tip.


No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.